Writing A Treatment

I get a call from April (not her real name): Hi Rich, Joe recommended that I phone you. My association wants to produce a video to go along with our new membership recruitment efforts.

Me: OK, sounds great. That’s all we do. Whatbs the content of the video? What’s its purpose, and what are your goals?

April: (Silence.)

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The Wildlife Conservation Society

It hardly ever happens this way: I receive a phone call from a prospective client who Ibve never met.

His organization had already checked out a number of production companies for an upcoming job. We were one of those companies. He heard good things about us, really liked our work (especially our demo reel), and was fairly certain that he and his CEO wanted to give us the job. Could I come in for a chat?

Are you kidding? No dancing around about the concept, timeframe, budget elements, treatment, style, content and the thousand other things that go into getting a job off the ground? Of course I wanted to come in for that chat.

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